Wednesday, January 12, 2005

## and a wake up

Hey Everyone,

Its 0222 12 Jan 2005. ## days and a wake up until I find myself in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I miss home so much. This place is wearing on me lately. The constant problems with being able to communicate with home, bulls$*t day in and out, traveling under the threat of attack to and from work everyday, ungrateful people I could go on and on but I think one needs to be here to gain the perspective that I have. People hate America, but they want our money when bad things happen, and they want it fast. People hate America, but every socialist nation in the world, cries out for the freedom we have. No one believes we are good, everything we do has a hidden agenda. Liberate the people in the tortured nation of Afghanistan from the Taliban, free the people from the grip of Saddam Hussein and his sadistic psychotic murderous family friends relatives associates thugs, and all people can say is ... they want the oil for themselves. That we kill innocent civilians and enjoy it, and look at those brave insurgents (read TERRORISTS) standing up to big bad America. THIS COMING FROM OUR OWN PEOPLE IN THE DAILY NEWSPAPER!!!! We provide millions of dollars in aid to Indonesia, the US military was among the first with BOG (boots on ground) to deliver much needed food and fresh water and medical help to that devastated area. Almost immediately. There was no hesitation to display our goodwill and the kindness of the American people. Yet we are "stingy" and only seek to subvert their culture as well, to convert them to Christianity, and that we'd better get the hell out of there because the Tsunami was an act of Allah because the Indonesian people were not islamic enough.

Now here in Kuwait. Kuwaiti military servicemembers plotting against American warriors while we train their forces to defend themselves. Kuwaiti police officers murdered because they were hunting al-qaeda who were Kuwaiti nationals, and targeting Americans and American warriors serving in Kuwait. Do these people suffer from amnesia? Did we not save their country from the brutality of the Iraqi regime? Do I not every day walk out of my tent and look at the wall where Kuwaiti officers were EXECUTED by the fedayeen!!!

Each day I drive to work expecting some crazed islamofacist to attempt to bring jihad to me and my shipmates. Expecting us to be weak and to cower in fear of them. I can guarantee you we will not, I WILL NOT! THEY ARE BUT A LION WHOSE TEETH AND CLAWS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. All bark and no bite yet they are glorified and we are slandered. They brutally murder our citizens by sawing off their heads in the most inhumane fashion ever, and when justice is brought to them they are martyrs. Yet when the ugliness of war is brought to light it is not the enemy is who is ridiculed and torn apart in the public eye. It is the American warrior, and reservists at that who support America not only with their blood and sweat, but their skills as a civilian.

So ## days and a wake up, and I can begin to return my life. To MY COUNTRY where I can sleep under the blanket of freedom provided by the men and women who will continue to stand the watch. To my beautiful wife and daughter, family and friends. To my job. To my church.

Fly your flag folks, fly it proudly. Never forget our men and women here. Continue to show the kindness and generosity, and compassion that America is known for. Live free. Think for yourself.
