Monday, November 01, 2004

Get out and vote

Hey everyone,

Sorry it has been a while since I've last posted. I was deeply affected by the loss of one of our own. It hit a little close to home for me. I wanted the post for LCpl Wyatt to remain on top for a while out of respect for him and his family, and I didn't want it to be followed by some of the littler things that go one out here. I have been readying some new posts, about what we've been doing the past 13 days :), but today's post comes just before the American election. I cannot stress enough how important it is to vote. Whether or not you vote for George Bush or John Kerry, or Ralph Nader for that matter, the important thing is you voted. Most people don't even do that.

As a member of the armed forces, I am somewhat prohibited in what I can say, and since I am serving currently on active duty, I will refrain from supporting one or the other candidates. Let me offer some advice on how you should vote from a somewhat objective viewpoint.

You should vote for the person who you feel has demonstrated solid leadership ability regardless of whether or not you agree with them, you know where they stand. Presidents have to be leaders when the public likes them and when they don't like them. Presidents are high-level policy makers, if you don't like their policies and can logically argue the point without getting emotionally involved then vote accordingly.

The real power comes from Congress. Get involved in your local representative, and senator elections. Know those candidates and what they stand for. They are easier to get in touch with than the President of the United States. The President may set policy standards, but it is Congress who decides when or how those policies are enacted. You through Congress have the ability to affect the policies that you do not like.

Our country has had peaceful transfers of power for almost 230 years. A part of this is because we value the fact that each person is independent and has the ability to exercise their right to vote without fear of persecution or repercussion. Please do not shame people who vote one way or another, or who do not have the same viewpoints as your own. I've seen this happen and it isn't pretty it causes one to not want to participate in the process of electing our national officials and leads to apathy. If you can argue your viewpoint while allowing the other person to retain their dignity do so, if not keep your mouth shut. Sorry that last viewpoint was pretty subjective but I hope that all in all you take a serious look at the election tonight and tomorrow, and then get out and vote.

Off the soapbox now :)