I know it isn't Veterans Day today but I wanted to blog something about
it. The internet here has been acting weird the past few weeks and
hopefully it will hold out a little longer so that I can get my thoughts
out :-)
People ask isn't Memorial Day like Veterans Day? There is a difference
that I would like to point out. Memorial Day is for those members of
the US armed forces who have died in service for their country, or those
who have served their country and passed on. Veterans Day honors those
members of the US armed forces serving in current operations, those who
have returned from those operations, and those who have retired from
military service and have served in previous operations or conflicts,
who are alive.
When you encounter veterans in your everyday life thank them for their
service, and if you have time ask them about it. They might have some
excellent stories to tell. These people have given enormous amounts of
time, and have sacrificed their personal comfort more than anyone I
know. Without them we would not have the great nation that we do.