Saturday, October 16, 2004

Happy Sweetest Day!!!

For those of you out there who aren't in the know. Today is Sweetest
Day. This holiday works both ways in my opinion, and you can give a
gift as well as get one.

I wanted to wish my wife a Happy Sweetest Day!!! Shanon I love you very
much, you are always there to support me when I have my bad days...and I
do have them. You are a very strong woman and have risen to the
challenge of raising our daughter alone while I am away. I know I have
said this before on this blog, but it bears repeating again and again
until I am home :) which won't be too much longer. I miss you and
Lauren very much. I want you to know that I am thinking of you this
Sweetest Day 'cause you are my sweetheart. I know you've already
received your gift from me ;) ... thank you for the wonderful cards and
letters and poems of encouragement you have sent me. They mean a lot to
me and I read them all the time. I promise I will get better at
writing, I know we keep in touch a lot via email and phone, but you will
get letters :) I promise. I love you very much.
