I talked to Shanon earlier today. She's doing well, she's been able to catch up with things around the house and that's a good thing. Lauren is getting bigger everyday, and stronger too. I can't wait to get home to be with them. One night this week on the webcam I watched her as she was laying down on our bed, and it looked like she was doing exercises, swinging her arms up and down and her legs up and down as if she were trying to touch her toes on the bed. She wasn't fussing or crying or anything...just swinging her arms and smiling and laughing. Children are such a blessing and a lot of hard work with two parents, and even harder with one parent. Shanon has been doing a great job keeping things squared away, as we like to say in the Navy, at home. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers during this time as it does get challenging at times. The days are going by fast and I will be home soon, and I've already been made aware that I will be doing everything but feeding Lauren when I am home :) not that I mind she is the cutest little thing ever, I think we should enter her in the cutest baby contest. Anyhow here's a somewhat recent picture of her.
Shanon I love you and you are doing an excellent job at home, don't ever doubt yourself. Give Lauren a kiss for me.
take care