I had a chance last night to be "hold boss" in charge of alpha deck on the ship we are working. In cargo operations you typically have two functions going on LO/LO (Lift On / Lift Off) and RO/RO (Roll On / Roll Off), and a third one we've affectionately named DO/DO (Drag On / Drag Off) for the equipment that should probably have never come here. LO/LO operations usually consist of containers (Connex boxes), or GENOs (GENeral cargO containers), and this was what was going on alpha deck. It was fun, to be in charge of the hold, and making sure that things go in the right place and according to the stow plan as best as possible. I had to work with about 10 FNs (Foreign Nationals) and get them to place the stuff where I wanted it so it could be lashed down. They are good at what they do, and have good suggestions on how to get things done so I was thankful for their input.
The bad thing about working on the ship is that it is so noisy people can't hear you. The good thing about working on the ship is that it is so noisy people can't hear you :) The reason I say that is, because last night when it was slow, I found that the song for the Beverly hill billies was in my head and the only way I could get it out was to sing it out loud. Soon I found my self singing it out loud...NOW HERE'S A STORY 'BOUT A MAN NAMED JED... and so on. So for about 15 minutes...that's what I was doing...and the only one that could hear it was me :)
....aaaahhhh the beauty of ear plugs and noisy ventilation systems :)
take care,