NO KIDDING!!! Here you have one of the smallest middle eastern nations, neighboring one of the biggest terrorist exporters in the world, with 5 of the top 30 terrorists to be reconciled with allah in Iraq sending the warning to the rest of the Gulf. The pot is being stirred up big time folks. Soon the concern won't be how much they can scam us for oil, it will be how soon we can get our troops in there to save their rear ends. For too long the activities of these terrorist have been ignored by the gulf state governments, not denoucing them because of their deep Islamic governmental roots. Now it is coming back to bite them...but then we should try to be diplomatic with them. They really don't mean any harm now do they. views are my own and in no way reflect the opinions, views, or doctrine of the US Navy, or the DOD.
Yahoo! News - Kuwait warns terror could spread through Gulf