Hey everyone,
Me again. Yes I know I've posted before today, but I have been on a roll, and the wireless internet here at Camp Patriot is working like a charm. I've got to confess something to you all I have converted. I am no longer a worshiper at the Microsoft church anymore. I have for the most part supported everything that Microsoft has put out as far as software. Today that has changed. I no longer use the Microsoft web browser known as Internet Exlporer. While it is still part of Windows and hard to get away from. I choose to browse the web using Mozilla FireFox. This browser is fast, and furious. It renders pages in half the time of Internet Exlplorer, plus it has many cool features such as tabbed browsing, and pop-up blocking that make it a 22nd century web surfing tool. I love FireFox so much I've decided to put a link and banner on my blog. That ought to tell you something. GO and download it today. Visit www.mozilla.org, or www.spreadfirefox.com
Take care.