The pictures I have show only a small portion of the burn off towers that were burning. I plan on posting them all to a Yahoo! photo album so you can see it all. 20+ towers were burning and most of them had flames that I would imagine reaching 100+ feet into the air, and billowing black smoke and God knows what else into the air. Chemical warning sirens were going off, and the HAZMAT crew from the Camp Spearhead fire department was seen rushing to the area where the sirens were coming from. Check out the pictures below, they really don't do the situation justice, but try if you can imagine, that the flames from the towers you see burning are 100 times smaller on a normal basis.
The reason I use Mordor as an example is because when all these were burning the sky was black and it looked like what Mordor would look like. If you've seen the Lord of the Rings you will know what I am talking about otherwise... it' doesn't make sense. Again, these pictures really don't do it justice, you had to be there to get the full effect. The place looked as if it was going up in flames.
Take care