Sunday, December 19, 2004

Holiday Season

Hello Everyone,

The internet access hasn't been that great lately, and I haven't posted. I apologize for that. Things are going well here. We've had some time off and will have some more time off over the Christmas Holiday. We had our Christmas dinner and monthly meeting yesterday. The Kuwaitis were nice enough to let use use their enlisted dining facility. The CDO office and MWR staff put on a great feast for us. We had real Butterball turkey and all the fixings the Chief's served dinner for us which was great. Thanks to CS1 Parsons and her band of volunteers.

I've got my Christmas Tree up and a few presents under it for opening on Christmas Day. Something to help with the passing of the holiday. The weather here is cold, so it feels like Christmas, but without snow. A couple of nights ago the temperature got down to 22 degrees.

Shanon sent more pictures of Lauren. She's getting so big. She's 24 1/2 inches long and 12lbs 3 ounces. She is getting stronger, she holds her head up, and is looks around at things. She concentrates on the toys on her bouncy chair. She likes to put things in her mouth...and can grab onto things. We have to keep stuff out of her reach other than her pacifier because she'll try and put those in her mouth. She gets to eat baby rice cereal now too.

Shanon is doing well she keeps busy with her friends and sending me packages. We talk a lot, and she's looking forward to me coming home. I am looking forward to coming home too. I'm starting to feel like I've been here long enough, but I know that some people have been here longer. I'm not complaining but I am missing out on stuff at home and it is my right to feel like that :) I enjoy the camaraderie that we have here, and the team I work with. It keeps me busy enough to keep my mind off of being at home. It's when I don't work that I find myself trying to fill the time up and my mind wanders towards home.

Anyhow Happy Holiday's folks. I will try to post more often. I know I've said it before...bear with me.

Take care