Thursday, December 30, 2004

Life disconnected...

Yesterday I had a chance to unplug from the internet. It was down due to some satellite hardware misconfiguration. So I decided to once muster was over to venture out to the camp. I watched a couple movies at the MWR room. Called and talked to my wife an extra long time yesterday which was nice. I finished clearing the shipyard level on Rainbow Six 3 for the Xbox. Which by the way took a long time... I don't think I could make it as a special operator :)

Yesterday we practiced changing a tire on the Tahoe as a traveling team. It wasn't as easy as it first sounded, when we had to figure out how to get the spare off the bottom of the Tahoe. Once we found the english user's manual it was ok, and we got it finished in less than 10 minutes.

Not much going on here today. I am going to workout today...Surprise surprise. I've lost enough weight just doing the normal walking and eating healthy since I've been here I think it is time to start doing some rebuilding and endurance training :) Gonna show a shipmate how to work the elliptical machine so you can set it to your workout liking.

Take care everyone.


p.s. Shanon says her toe is feeling much better :)